We are excited to be able to offer a program this summer for young athletes entering 4th-6th grade focusing on both MIND & MOVEMENT! This program has been developed by physical therapists and a psychologist to help young athletes work on skill development while having fun along the way! The program will include four 30-minute sessions led by Dr. Alyssa Suess focusing on a young athlete’s “mind” by working on various mindset strategies, emotions that come with the pressure of competition, and the importance of self-esteem and sportsmanship while competing. Following these sessions, the young athletes will be led by Dr. Lindy Kirby, Dr. Sam Miller and Dr. Kayana Trottier in eight 1-hour sessions of “movement” focusing on proper form and technique to help prevent injury while building strength and agility. Young athletes will work on incorporating and practicing mindset strategies they just learned through various individual and team based workouts!

The program will be held at the Skad Gym located at Williston State College on Mondays from 8:00am-9:30am and Wednesdays from 8:00am - 9:00am.  Dates are Monday: 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24 and Wednesday: 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26.

Social Emotional Group

We are excited to bring back our summer social emotional groups. We are offering groups for children entering kindergarten through 4th grade. Children will be grouped based on grades to tailor learning to each developmental level. Dr. Suess will teach children basic skills to identify and manage emotions, develop a growth mindset, and build resiliency.

Group space is limited so register early!

(701) 651-6437

Mindful Parenting Group

We are excited to expand our summer programs to parents by offering a mindful parenting group. Let’s face it…parenting is hard and extra challenging if you are raising a big feelings kid. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed easily and getting into the cycle of yelling at your kid, this group could be a great option to put you on an alternative parenting pathway. Dr. Suess will lead a small group of parents in learning how to be a more responsive parent while supporting your child’s social emotional development. This group is appropriate for parents of children of any age and developmental level. This is a parent only group meaning children do not attend the group sessions. Attendance at all six sessions is important.

Day/Time: Tuesday 12:00-1:00pm

Dates: 6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/9, 7/16

Group space is limited so register early!

(701) 651-6437

Mommy & Me Group

Join us for our first Mommy & Me Group led by Dr. Erickson and Dr. Qualm. Our two therapists hold a wealth of experience and knowledge in developmental health. The program will include interaction with therapists with demonstration and hands on education. Each week will focus on how to progress your child through each big motor milestone in the first year of life!

Wednesday’s 9:00-10:00am

June 5th, June 12th, June 19th, June 26th, July 10th, and July 17th

Group space is limited so register early!

(701) 651-6437